LinkedIn Training for Business
At Marketing Minds, we have a large range of LinkedIn training courses suitable for you. From customised programmes for your organisation to workshops for beginners, intermediate right through to advanced levels, the choice is yours.
If you have a sales team and would like to build your company reputation, generate leads through your staff, or want to make sure everyone in your team is accurately reflecting your brand and company message on LinkedIn, we can tailor a workshop specific to your needs. We can train teams of up to 50 or more across New Zealand!
Our customised LinkedIn Training for business sessions cater to all LinkedIn levels from beginners to advanced using a hands-on, user-based approach. We design the workshops to ensure that participants get the most out of LinkedIn as a tool for content and thought leadership in their own field.
The benefit of customised LinkedIn training for business is that we will take the time to truly understand your core objectives and will then tailor a program that best fits both your objectives and the team’s level of knowledge on how LinkedIn works.
Not only do we prepare and run the bespoke training program but we also make sure that attendees understand and are comfortable putting the lessons into action via follow up emails and phone calls.
Our training is flexible and can cater for large groups of up to 10 per group or one on one training.
Who Should Consider Customised LinkedIn Training for Business
- Your company wants to realise the power of LinkedIn in generating thought leadership and content dissemination via your team.
- The sales team wants to use LinkedIn to generate new customers leads.
- Staff in your company have their own LinkedIn profile but there is no standardisation.
- Your company is developing a LinkedIn policy and you need to train key staff on how to create and manage their profiles.
- The company wants to increase its profile on LinkedIn but doesn’t know where to start.
- You want to include LinkedIn training for business into your overall staff training program.
This is a one day beginners’ workshop (10 am to 2 pm) for someone who has a basic profile or does not use LinkedIn on a regular basis. You will get to curate your profile at the workshop and get familiar with the key functionalities of LinkedIn by trying it out for yourself.
This is a half day workshop (9.30 am to 12.30 pm) and is suitable for those who have a basic understanding of LinkedIn and are already an occasional user. You will get to try out some of the LinkedIn functionalities and get familiar with these at the workshop.
Learn more about this LinkedIn workshop..
An amazing power of LinkedIn is the content publishing platform. This is a half day workshop (9.30 am to 12.30 pm) and is suitable for those who already know how to use LinkedIn and want to become a thought leader and subject matter expert in their field. This covers content marketing strategy and more.
LinkedIn advertising has become more sophisticated than ever, in which you’re able to target people far beyond your own circle and in multiple formats. In this workshop you’ll get a complete guide on how to use LinkedIn successfully through its advertising options.
Our customised in-house LinkedIn training sessions are available New Zealand wide. Although we are Auckland based, we can train in Tauranga, Wellington, Christchurch and other areas either in person or via webinar.
Also, as we are a registered service provider with the Management Capability Development Voucher Fund, this means selected businesses may qualify for a government grant.
Unsure of which workshop is right for you?
To discuss your needs, please email Anne at anne@marketingminds.me or call her on 09 634 4390.
In these case studies, we demonstrate how our clients have used LinkedIn for themselves and their business.
“LinkedIn- A proven Goldmine for my business” Mike Parkes
LinkedIn has become one of the top platforms for Mike Parkes not only to be visible on but also for generating leads for his business.
Read about Mike’s story when he experienced a decline in his business and managed to turn the trend around through LinkedIn. Mike also shares the steps he took on generating leads through LinkedIn.
Successful launch of a start up via LinkedIn
A client of ours started up a professional services firm and needed to urgently grow the awareness among previous clients of this change. Here is a case study of what we did using LinkedIn and the success for this new start up. LinkedIn training for business can do the same for you.
As part of our caring, we regularly share some LinkedIn Tips for businesses. Let this be your Linkedin training! Feel free to subscribe to our Thinking e-newsletter for updates.
LinkedIn Learning: Creator Mode
The LinkedIn profile setting called ‘creator mode’ is a great way to grow your influence and reach on this platform!
LinkedIn Learning: Connecting your profile with your phone contacts
LinkedIn Learning: Connecting Your Profile With Your Phone Contacts to improve lead generation and create an effective lead acquisition process.
LinkedIn Learning: Creating an Event on LinkedIn
We’re always on the lookout for the latest and greatest LinkedIn features, and we think their newest event feature is worth sharing! Find out how to host your own event on linked in here.
Using the ‘Featured’ section on your profile
LinkedIn has added a new ‘Featured’ section to your personal profile, on which you can feature some of your posts, articles, links, or media. If you’ve got something you want to showcase when people visit your profile, use the ‘Featured’ section on your LinkedIn profile.
Inviting Connections to Follow Your LinkedIn Company Page
On LinkedIn, a LinkedIn company page is the foundation for your business and growing followers to that page. LinkedIn has made it easy now as you can now. Invite connections to follow your LinkedIn Company Page.
LinkedIn Company Page: Using Content Suggestions
LinkedIn’s functionality now comes up with article suggestions to share on LinkedIn, that are relevant to your target audience. Learn more about this very useful functionality here!
10 Reasons WHY LinkedIn is a MUST
Well, here are 10 reasons of many as to why you should use LinkedIn and why it has risen to be the most powerful business social media platform in the world.
Connecting using LinkedIn’s QR Code
LinkedIn has added a new feature to the profile page, the QR Code. We can now connect with each other simply by scanning the QR Code via LinkedIn’s mobile app
Navigating LinkedIn’s Search Appearances
LinkedIn has added a functionality to the profile page, where we get information on how we are being discovered.
Learning how to navigate LinkedIn’s Search Appearance will enable you to better improve and optimise your profile, in order to be found, get new leads and business opportunities.
Maximising Search Alerts on LinkedIn
Knowing how to use the search function is essential for making the most out of LinkedIn. The LinkedIn search alert feature allows you to store the search information you’ve just run, saving time when repeating the search process later on.