Anne Casey
Anne has spent over 25 years honing her marketing skills. Along the way making friends and admirers in senior international marketing and advertising management roles for Kiwi icons in New Zealand like Farmers Trading Company and Pumpkin Patch before starting up Marketing Minds in 2015. Since then, she has worked with hundreds of SMEs and making a real difference to their businesses.
She has done everything in marketing from strategy & branding to execution, direct marketing to social media, and advertising to market research. She hasn’t just mastered bricks and mortar marketing either – Anne is also an expert when it comes to digital marketing, having worked in both arenas all over the world, including Australia, the USA, and Hong Kong. Her most recent passion and a key area of focus are cross-cultural marketing to migrant communities in NZ, especially the Chinese in Auckland.
Maybe it’s the caffeine, or maybe she’s just an Energizer Bunny – either way, she just keeps going!
Digital Boost Trainer, Manaaki Advisor and TVNZ Marketing Awards
Anne is a trainer with Digital Boost – a government funded MBIE initiative to support SMEs in New Zealand. She is also a Marketing advisor at Manaaki, a government-backed platform that helps small businesses in the aftermath of COVID-19. Anne is also a TVNZ-NZ Marketing Awards judge.
The Catalyst
A person that precipitates change. Anne is known as the catalyst with her skills in taking positive action and working to make the right changes for her clients – action speaks louder than words and that’s what Anne is all about.
Anne in 3 words…
- Integrity
- Insightful
- Engaging
If you want to know more about Anne, have a look at these words of wisdom she strives to live by.