
How a Marketing Coach Turned Around Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study

New Zealand Service Industry Provider

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The situation:

John*, a licensor, bought a business in the service industry working with property investors. The business had a number of unhappy clients. He worked hard for 6 months to improve the service but didn’t have any way of knowing how the clients felt about the business, or of garnering recommendations from them. He needed a marketing coach to set him on the right path and improve his customer satisfaction to grow the business.

What we did:

Marketing Minds was brought in as a marketing coach to assess John’s customer reactions to his business. We used that information to help promote the business and expand. To do this, we:

• Structured an online survey measuring customer satisfaction, collecting valuable feedback and referrals.
• Set up a measure that could be used to continually gauge client satisfaction and determine how likely of word of mouth would be from existing clients
• Developed a “how to” set of instructions so that these steps could be rolled as part of a requirement to all his licensees as a continual measure of performance

The outcomes:

Having a marketing coach allowed John’s business to develop the following aspects of his business:

• An easy to use survey that could be duplicated and can continue to be used as the company adds on more licensees
• A simple yet informative measure into client satisfaction including NPS (Net Promoter Score)
• A window into what the clients want, what was important to their clients, and how they could improve the business to ensure customer satisfaction and word of mouth marketing


*The Client’s name has been changed to protect his/her identity.



To find out more about marketing coaching, or if you have any other questions, call us at +64 9 634 4390, email info@marketingminds.me or contact us.
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